Barefoot runningBarefoot running is a recent trend within the running community that has gathered great interest for its many potential benefits.
Sports MassageSports massage is a type of massage technique that focuses on treating soft tissue aches, pain and specific injuries that are associated with recreational activities.
Post Game RecoveryThe 48-72 hours following a match are as important to a player’s performance at the next match as the training on a Tuesday or Thursday night.
Sports TrainersFootball clubs have become increasingly aware of the importance of good injury management both from a financial and an ethical perspective.
Warm up or cooldown?There should be no second thoughts on preparing before and after any sport or fitness training.
Alcohol and Sports InjuriesYou have come off injured during the game with a sprain or strain, there is some swelling and the body part is feeling very sore.
DOMS vs InjuryAs the new footy season approaches you are undoubtedly going to feel muscle soreness in the days following the first few matches.